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Wszystkie tłumaczenia

Wszystkie tłumaczenia - 73irene

Język źródłowy
Język docelowy

Wyniki 1 - 4 spośród około 4
Język źródłowy
Włoski salve,vorrei chiederle scusa per il mio giudizio...
salve,vorrei chiederle scusa per il mio giudizio negativo,ma dopo quasi 20 giorni che ho gia pagato e non mi è arrivato nulla,era ovvio.
Comunque non appena ricevero' il "pacco" cerchero' di ripristinare la situazione.
Cordiali saluti Irene Pinna

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Angielski Hello, I would like you to excuse me for my judgement...
Język źródłowy
Angielski Hello, I would like to ask you to excuse me for...
but after approximately 20 days that I paid and that nothing arrived, it was obvious.
Anyway, as soon as I will receive the "packet", I will try to re-etablish the situation.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Włoski Ciao, vorrei chiederti di scusarmi per...